Pictured above are village people living along the Rusizi River. This is a poor quarter right outside the center of Buja just minutes from Congo. We enjoyed some time with them prior to Crystals departure loving on them as we were watching a family of hippos in the river. I have a beautiful story to share as I hope it will bless your ears and hearts. Just days ago Isai and I went to go pick something up near the market as we drove by and saw a teenage boy who was partially blind carrying an old man who is crippled and unable to walk accompanied by an old woman who had a cane and was slowly making her way down the road. Usually we see many crippled, many poor, many hungry and simply many in need but I can say that at that very moment my heart was moved with an overwhelming compassion compelling me to do something... anything. I asked Isai for 2,000 fbu ($1.50 USD) and I went after them. As I approached them I asked their names and how they were doing; then telling them I want to help you... I have 2,000 fbu. I told them of course, I don't give people money but lets go in the market and buy anything you want with this amount. Thinking they would want a little of everything (a pineapple, bananas, onions, potatoes etc. to my surprise all they wanted was ALOT of potatoes. I said "are you sure you only want potatoes"? They replied yes. As we went to bargain at the many potato stands together, all the women were asking for 3,000 fbu for a huge basket. I told them "listen, I want to help this old man, why don't we help him together... we can both see he's in need". She agreed and gave all the potatoes for 2,000 and gave him the woven basket too! Now, this basket with potatoes was about 15 pounds and immediately the old woman being much older than 60 (life expectancy here isn't much past 50, so 60 is old!); she picked up the basket in one hand having the cane in the other and had so much joy in her eyes. I shook their hands many times and kept telling them "thank you"; truly the experience may have blessed my heart just as much as them and I was grateful for that. I love to give, to help people and to love people; although I can say that this is the first time I have ever been moved so much in my heart with such a gentle compassion to do something... anything. Until next time...
Kirundi Vocabulary: old man - umutama
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