We just returned back from visiting our dear friends and sponsors in Butare, Rwanda; just 3 hours from our house here in Muramvya! While in Butare, Isai had the opportunity to see the projects of Zoe Ministries and the fruit of their labors in helping orphaned and abandoned children be restored and given an opportunity to be able to support themselves and their siblings if need be. Zoe ministries blessed us by allowing us to see their projects and give us some insight and advice. Its always nice to connect with different organizations here in the East African Community as we can learn from one another what has worked in opposed to simply... what has not. We all have the goal to help see orphaned and abandoned children restored and truly can do so much more when we are willing to help one another along the way. Pictured above is some of the fruit that has come out of one of the projects in Rwanda through Zoe Ministries. Also pictured, is Pastor Dave, Lonnie & Kathy Rhodes and us enjoying some time together as we discussed options for future mission's trips for Spring of Life Church! We hope to see some of them out here serving in Burundi one day! Until next time...
Kirundi Vocabulary: Umuco - light
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