Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We are approaching the letter of acceptance!

We have had a busy week continuing to prepare for what is to come! Our papers have officially been given to the Social Ministry, which is the sect of the government that works with orphans. Things are moving forward! We are going to be visiting different provinces in the following weeks to make a decision of the location we will be working in. All of the land has been prepared for the agriculture project; we will be planting seed in mid September. Our desire is to identify families in need and to give temporarily portions of food to assist them; that way the project will not only benefit us in learning agriculture but it will benefit the community. Some of you may know that August 29th was the 1 year anniversary of our son Isai Lazarus passing away... what a joyous and peaceful day the Lord gave us. We were given a Rottweiler Puppy (pictured above) which is good... dogs are great for the family and to watch the property. We would like to express a current need that we have; Transportation. A 4X4 is vital for working in the mountains for safety and transportation reasons, it is truly a necessity. We are raising $8,000 - $9,000 to purchase a used 4x4 car or truck. Unfortunately things are a bit pricey here, although it does not diminish the need we have. We ask if you are able to sow into this area, everyone together can make a big difference. We have a fully paid car in the US but shipping and import costs will make it not worth it. We thank you all who have chosen to respond to the cries of a child. YOU are making a difference... even today. Until next time...

Kirundi Vocabulary: Imbga - Dog

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