Friday, September 11, 2009

We have been searching out where we will work!

We have had a busy week searching out and making a decision on the village and province in which we will be working; (pictured above is Isai with the children at a church we visited deep in the mountians of Muyinga... literally on the border of Tanzania). We visited 4 provinces in the North: Kayanza, Ngozi, Kirundo & Muyinga. We have come to see the least amount of assistance and more of a current need in Kayanza and the location we are currently living Muramsvya. We are searching out right now compounds available for rent to see what our options are. Things are moving forward... step by step! We just received word that our papers have been cleared in the Social Ministry and are off to the next step! We are foreseeing the completion of the acceptance letter within a short period of time. On this side of things, we are preparing everything to get things started. We will keep you all updated! We thank you all for continuing to fund and support this misson. It is people like you, and hearts so big... that are changing this world and making it better for the less fortunate. We would once again like to state our current need; if anyone is moved in their heart to sow into our fund to purchase transportation it would be greatly appreciated. Transportation is a vital need to starting in the upcountry. You can contact Marie Gonzalez; Secretary for TCOAC at We love you all and will keep you posted! Until next time...

Kirundi Vocabulary: inzu - house

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Sam and Isai! We are very proud of the work that you are doing to help the people in Burundi. Your passion, dedication, generosity and drive are admirable.

    We love and miss you,
    Jamie and Swede




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