Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The agriculture project has begun!

The agriculture project has begun! As we have mentioned in the previous month, we are in a time of preparation and will be learning the language Kirundi & agriculture to provide food and income in the future to make our projects more self running. Agriculture is the biggest form of work here in Burundi standing at about 90% give or take of the local working in the fields. For those of you that aren't very familiar with agriculture and the process of farming... it is hard work! We currently have a worker that is working with Isai to plow the land and prepare it to then plant potatoes, beans, corn etc in September. Everyday is quite interesting as we are interacting with the locals and practicing our newly learned words in Kirundi. You have to be willing to make mistakes and be corrected to really get the tones down! It is a testimony to them more than anything to see that we are interested in communicating with them at a deeper level and are willing to take time to learn their language & culture. Many times they are surprised we are learning it and speak it a little, yet happy! Things are continuing to move along with Foriegn Affairs and we are approaching our packet being passed over to the social ministry which addresses any organizations working with orphans. We miss you all! Until next time!

Kirundi Vocabulary: umugabo - man

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