Pictured above is Isai signing the Protocol of Execution for TCOAC's work here in Burundi. It declares the work, location and laws therein. We finally got it! Just shy of 2 months after receiving our conversion partnership with the Burundian Government. We are on the road to receiving our land in which we will begin the agriculture project; it will be a means of providing food for the children in the homes. Yesterday, we bought the plates and silverware for the house we will soon be renting to take in orphaned and abandoned children during our Phase 1. Although our work here has tarried due to receiving all the authorization needed to work over a 18 month period, our time is now. We will be opening a program in the near future for short and long term volunteers to come and serve within the projects. We can use all the help we can get! We will keep you posted in the coming weeks as things are moving along. Until next time...
.Kirundi Vocabulary: justice - iteka
Sometime in your life,
hope that you might see one starved man,
the look on his face when the bread finally arrives.
Hope that you might have baked it
or bought or even kneaded it yourself.
For that look on his face,
for your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread,
you might be willing to lose a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even.
~Daniel Berrigan
PRAISE GOD! Finally! I know you are singing the Glory! I'm so excited for you all.