From our home to yours... May this New Year bring many
fulfillment's to your hearts. Pictured above in the north western part of Burundi is
Kayanza province is where we have been given land by the government to build orphan homes, a clinic and a trade school. We are asking for your assistance in this time to raise the funding to rent and open a home for orphaned children. We are on the verge of
receiving all the documents to work, and we have the urgency in our hearts to be prepared. We need you help this day to reach our budgets for the projects. We ask that you would consider partnering with us to assist us in anchoring our budgets that will permit us to do what we came here to do... respond to the cries of a child. Below are our budgets for Phase 1 & Phase 2. If you
would like more information on how you can help make a difference today, please contact us at
.Phase 1: $23,526 - to open the house for the children with staff, furnish it and run it for 6 months. Once the constructions of the orphan homes are complete, we will move the children to our new location.
.Phase 2:$52,741 - to build and furnish the orphan homes and cafeteria.
We don't see this as 'budgets & money', we simply see it as the necessary means to help these children and that is truly our drive. To us, we simply see a child in need, and see the need to respond. We have come to understand that we are only but a part of the body, and can only do our part in this venture to change the face of
tomorrow for these children. We ask only that you would do all that you are able to do, to remember and respond to the needs of the children in Burundi; giving them a hope to smile and laugh once again. Make a difference today.
.Kirundi Vocabulary: hope -
ic izigiro
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