Monday, October 31, 2011

The faith of a child...

The spiritual journey of the kids has been amazing and fasinating altogether as we grow together in the Kingdom. Our kids are just awesome and so into God! Recently, we took some time to speak to the children about walking as Christ walked the earth, and what that looks like. Simple, basic. He taught and preached The Kingdom of God, He took time to pray and be alone with our Father, He healed and delivered moved by compassion... Just looking over His life, and how we can be more like Him!

Our children, for about the last few months have been going through the chicken pox "pass it on" sickness and 4 out of 15 have been over it... One day, we were about to eat and I look over at Alice who is 12 and she is touching little Jimy's head who had the pox. I told her across the room "Ali, you want the pox too, huh? You know how contageious it is!" She replied, "Mama Malaki, I am praying for God to take away the pox in Jesus' name!"........ Immediatly I was humbled. :o) I smiled and told her, as you beleive, God will do. You see, I was too concerned with her getting the pox to even consider the fact that she might be asking God to help her little brother and remove his discomfort. It's amazing to see that what we teach and pour into our children, they become. A good question to ask ourselves is as parents are we setting the example that God has asked of us? A biblical example. If not, what steps can we take to move closer to the example Christ gave us? I once heard someone say "Go preach the Kingdom of God, and if you have to... use words". Children watch us closely. They copy, mimic, trust and beleive in what we say. As parents, we have the direct opportunity to shape our nation's future through our children.

I tell you, the faith of a child was all it took to bring that beautiful conviction deep down inside and to challenge me to be who I am called to be in the fullness of Christ. Thanks for that, Alice. Until next time...

(Pictured above is Evyone with her new glasses and also our kids playing with some of the neighborhood kids at on a flat land. Saturday's are not just a highlight for our kids, but also the other kids because its rare that an adult would come out to play soccer with them. And as for Isai, well... he throws them around, squeezes, hugs and tosses them left and right! They love it!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the stories you share. Keep it up! This one is precious, it will be a touchstone for your family and ministry in the years to come. Bless you all!




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