Sunday, August 9, 2009

We have arrived in Egypt!

We just arrived in Egypt last night and are halfway there to Burundi! We leave tonight and will arrive back home tomorrow in the afternoon. Thank you to John & Judy (john pictured above) in Egypt for always hosting us as we pass through! As we look back at our 2 months in the states, are hearts are so moved at the hospitality, love and willingness to get involved! We just want to say thank you to a few individuals that have recently given of their time and efforts to support The Cries of a Child. We want to say thank you to our Team in the states, this dream is happening because you said "Yes... I can hear the cries and I won't silence them" Without you, we would have accomplished what we have to this day. We also would like to say a big thank you to Jen... she did the blog for us! See her work at She selflessly gave of her time with out even knowing us; simply because she believes in what we are doing and chose to respond to the cries of the forgotten children in Burundi. We have come to understand, that to change the world it takes simple people with simple talents that are moved by a big heart to stand as one to make a difference. Thank you to all of our supporters for making this dream your own... Make a Difference Today.

1 comment:

  1. loving the update... glad you got to egypt safely! xoxo, t




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