Tuesday, September 28, 2010

If only microwaves worked...

If only microwaves worked for everything in life... this would be convenient and quick yet lacking the character built within the trials to get there I suppose. In this next season we are entering into, we have chosen to take it step by step... As we have an amazing team that is in the making here in Burundi, we have much work ahead of us. In the past weeks, we have been busy with construction and building plans for the orphan homes, clinic and trade school, preparing all the management for the first orphan home to be opened, preparing child assessments, and building our TCOAC Staff here in Burundi to support the homes for the orphaned children. As we are often challenged venturing into many areas that we have simple knowledge in; it has begun to build an even stronger reliance on our Father to give us wisdom, discernment and understanding to move forward.
Isai and I have so much anticipation in our hearts as I will oversee everything pertaining to the orphan homes and he will take over everything having to do with construction. This is what we love. This is what know. This is where the Lord has placed us for this season of our lives. At times we force ourselves to look forward at everything we intend to do with the support of our TCOAC team in the US and Burundi. We must take it day by day or truly the "big picture" can become a bit overwhelming anticipating working in a 3rd world country with things becoming much more complicated then was intended. Surly God will give us grace and the strength to do what we came here to do. We are believing for a nation to be changed from a trickle of hope the drips down from the people that are given a chance to be restored and made whole. Who are given a chance to simply live. We are confident in this, that without the support, wisdom and skills of our TCOAC teams both in the US and in Burundi, none of this would be possible. We are a body of people, who love God and are compelled in our hearts as he has called us to respond to hurting and broken people in need of our help. We can use all the help we can get as we proceed forth into Phase 1: Renting a house and taking in orphaned children. Will you sacrifice some of your time, skills or resources to help us change the face of Burundi today?
In Burundi's condition right now, you may have seen on news reports that there are groups of bandits gathering, killing livestock and people along with stealing as they enter villages. Although there are many rumors of what is taking place, in wisdom I choose not to speak of things that cannot be confirmed and or to be a part of those rumors. But I can say this. Pray for Burundi and believe with us that peace and change can come to this nation. This nation can once again see days of joy and prosperity as they did decades ago. Until next time...
Pictured above: One of our workers for the field getting 35 sacks of fertalizer (cow poop) for the land as we prepare to plant various crops that at harvest time will provide food for the children. Below: Isai and Malaki as we walk through the mountain fields to reach our workers house; we wanted to visit his newborn grandaughter who was 5 days old. To see more on our trip, visit our family blog at www.thetorrestribe.blogspot.com with the post named (Perspective.)
Kirundi Vocabulary: Umwami - King

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING! Truly, I'm so thrilled for you, finally getting to do the work you came to do. I can't wait to see how your day-by-day becomes a beautiful portrait of the country of Burundi.




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