Everytime we visit this local orphanage, our hearts are filled with anticipation as we journey through the mountains to reach them. In this orphanage, there are 22 girls from ages 9 - 15. Throughout the last year, as we have been awaiting the acceptance of our own documents to begin building orphan homes, we wanted to partner with this wonderful home caring for those dearest to the heart of the Father. We have done many things from teachings to hygiene and toothbrush classes to drawing cards to giving out gifts; thanks to all our supporters in America. This past trip, we brought cards and friendship braclets from an elementary school in Orlando along with 1 toy for each girl provided by Hope Church in St. Louis! It moved our hearts as we watched the girls read the letters that were written to them (translated from English to Kirundi). Kids say some funny things, and truly you can't blame them for their hearts are so pure. As they each received a toy to call their very own, it was evident for most if not all, that this was the first toy they had ever owned. Their expressions were undescribable. A few "funnies"... one of the toys given was a little angel doll that spoke the prayer "now i lay me down to sleep". As one of the girls recieved it and pushed the stomach, she almost went into shock (literally) and could'nt stop laughing and smiling as she was amazing that the little doll could speak. I can imagine she must of pushed the stomach so many times that the battery would be dead within days! Others recieved jump ropes and thought... its just a rope (what could I possibly do with this)... until of course Isai showed them! Many joys and memories came from this day, although in the end we think "if they felt any more loved and remembered this day, truly we accomplished everything we had intended to do". We hope that as you read these journals, that you can walk this journey with us as though you were right by our sides... seeing all with your very own eyes. Thank you all for the difference you have made. Until next time...
What a blessed day! I know you're experiencing the heart of parenthood already. I wanted to take a moment to wish Sam a Happy Mother's Day and send my love to you all!