Friday, September 18, 2009

A few words from the heart...

Here are just a few words from my heart concerning the sacrifice that many go through to follow what they know in their hearts to be true. May you see the burdens of our hearts, and the joy in the fullfillment of responding to the cries of a child. (Pictured above is one of the children from the village that we visited and spent time with the families). All my love, Isai.

As the days pass, I begin to wonder if so will the memories. It has only been 5 weeks since we have returned back, and just going through the process of getting the letter of acceptance; thinking "why must we wait so long". My mind sits divided, as I wonder if we will be remembered and seeing the need right at hands reach but yet not being able to work. The days become so long as sometimes I can't wait till night falls, but then night comes and I have so much time to think. The memories of family that were a part of me almost everyday and the ones of friends with whom I shared my days... And I wonder, will I hold onto these memories to only find myself returning to relationships only separated by time & space; finding myself in the midst of family and friends as a stranger? I know the cost is worthy, but what of this burden that sits in my heart? With every passing day it seems a choice must be made because with time and space you move closer to one, but how do I keep from moving farther from the other? Do I keep the memories alive or do I just let them go... but if I let them go, I will move closer to the one and further from the other. Only to return one day and recognize the faces but not the people. I guess I can only try to give my all. To love those who come and to hold the love for those who have already come. To build memories upon memories as to not forget those in the path who were, who are and who are to come. To love comes with a price, but if God is love it makes it all worthwhile.
Kirundi Vocabulary: Umukiza - Savior

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