Thursday, March 31, 2011

Team, if only you could see...

To our staff and partners in the U.S.A...

If only you could see,

first hand the lives you've helped transformed to be,

something powerful, something beautiful, a child that says "I am proud to be me!"

If only you could see...

Deep into Eric's eyes as he climbs onto his top bunk bed, with all security and peace, by these he is now led... The embrace of Marie as she says goodnight, never forgetting "I love you" as she squeezes you so tight... Divine's contentment and simplicity as she quietly draws to your side, when you love on her, its her eyes she always tries to hide... Alice's confidence as she knows God heard her cries, she never ceases to remind us, when she says her good-byes... Claude's tender heart, as he often runs from attention, when you cease to give that attention, he runs to you with affection... The way Evonne sticks up for you, defending you, declaring you. "They aren't foreigner's! They are our family!" she declares... The deep love Cleria has, so deep, it's not expressed in words, although through her actions, surly the whole world has heard... The greatness that outshines the timidness and shame, As Vanessa begins to find out more about who she really is... A tiny ball of bouncing joy that cannot be contained, is the very words I think when Vernuist is named... The maturity and stillness of Anecre, watching and directing others as children they play... The helpfulness of David, convinced there is no other way, then to help carry your bags, your things, your burdens, day by day... The joy and excitement of Jimmy, as though every time he greets you, he runs at you with passion as though the time has been so long, or you are new... The comedian side of Tony as he repeats all things you say, He's funny and tender, loving and sweet at the end of each day... Strength and understanding are seen more as the days pass, little Desire's eyes seem to hold a vision, that he one day will cast...

Team, staff, partners, friends, family... the dream we once beheld to respond to the cries of broken and desperate children. That dream, you are a part of. The dream to see Burundi forever changed, transformed and given a hope. If only you could see the fruit of your labors with your very eyes, and embrace our children with your own embrace. Team, we are changing the world, one country, one village, one family, one child at a time. Restoring a hope for the future through the promises of God. Thank you for making a way. To our staff, Eusebio, Marie, Monica, Rosie, Ruth, Ryan, Kristine, Eduardo, Mery and Jackie... thank you for responding to the call of God, to the cries of these children, thank you. Without you, it would not be possible. Until next time...


  1. I love hearing the updates on the children! What a clever post! I truly see their personalities and your love shining through it.

  2. Dear Sam and Isai,

    We like to thank you for listening to God's calling. I also want to thank you for sharing with us the stories of the children. Even though Eusebio and myself are so far, we feel so close to our children there in Burundi. I pray for them daily.

    Love you guys Marie and Eusebio




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